Copyright, Disclaimer and Personal Data Notice

New planning system for Dorset Council

You are about to access a version of the new system which contains data from our former West Dorset, North Dorset, Weymouth & Portland, Purbeck and East Dorset areas. This version of our register is not the finished product and many more improvements will be made. Click here to see more information about this project.

Copyright, Disclaimer and Personal Data Notice


We aim to ensure that information which forms part of the Statutory Register is made available on this website.

Our Register only includes those records, which the Council hold digitally. Please do not rely on information from this site as an alternative to traditional searches where completeness of information is essential. While the Council takes great care to ensure that the information provided on this site is accurate, Dorset Council will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any inaccuracy or error within these pages.

If you have any reason to believe that the information is incorrect, please contact us so we can investigate the matter.

Personal Data

In accordance with national legislation and guidance, the comments we receive about planning applications, including names and addresses will be made publicly available. We'll make reasonable efforts to remove certain personal details such as telephone numbers, email addresses and signatures prior to information appearing online and recommend you avoid disclosing information of a sensitive nature within the text of your representation. Please be aware, we cannot accept anonymous representations.

When you submit a comment in response to a planning application, you agree to not include any defamatory or offensive material or personal data about other people. The council reserves the right to remove comments that are offensive or to not display certain documentation for confidentiality or other reasons, for example documents containing medical information or that infringe copyright.

For more information about how we process personal data, please see our privacy notice:


Plans, drawings and material submitted (including maps from Ordnance Survey) in relation to a planning application are protected by the Copyright Acts 1988 Act (section 47). You may only use the material which is downloaded for matters relating to the specific planning application. Further copies must not be made or used without the prior permission of the copyright owner (the applicant / agent / architect).

Please click the button below to accept these terms and conditions.